Each fiscal year, Campus Services awards its BuzzFund allocation to Georgia Tech student organizations and campus departments.

Please review the updated guidelines and tips below prior to applying.

  • BuzzFunds are open to campus departments and registered student organizations recognized by SGA.
  • Requests will be considered monthly, not on a rolling basis.
  • Requests are due by 11:59 pm on the first Monday of every month.
  • Requests are reviewed by Campus Services staff and the BuzzFunds voting body made up of Campus Services staff and students.
  • Award notification will be emailed by the last week of the month.
  • Plan ahead! The new review process requires planning, so we recommend submitting your application at least the month prior to your event.
  • BuzzFund awards are not guaranteed, so student organizations and departments should not spend the funds prior to the award notifications.

The BuzzFunds Request Form is live!

The 2024-2025 BuzzFunds Request Form


Email bfawards@gatech.edu. Review the annual BuzzFunds report to see where funds went this past fiscal year.